About US
Rock Star Moms Since 1999ish
Livin’ The Dream
Stacy Kelly and Athena Kuliecza have been writing original music and performing together since their college years. They played in various rock bands until they split ways to raise their families. Stacy began a career as a Children’s Song Leader in Long Island, NY while Athena was teaching Preschool Music and Movement classes in Central NJ. During the Covid pandemic of 2020, unable to give music lessons in their schools, they decided to try a socially distanced collaboration of a birthday song. They quickly wrote the Happy Birthday Song and realized how much they loved writing together again!! A year later Stacy & Athena are excited to release their first children’s album, Best Day Ever!!
Since then, Stacy and Athena have created the Kids Empowerment Program and released lots of new and original songs. Their passion for music inspires young minds to feel confident in themselves, uplift others, and help save our world. Through their performances, Stacy & Athena teach children how the little things they do can help make the world a better place. They love engaging with preschool and elementary-aged audiences by singing, dancing, and encouraging them to be kind to themselves, their peers, and the Earth.