The Kids

Check out this link with clips from our new album and places you can stream the full songs.

Funky Kids Radio

1st  Place People’s Choice Global Music Video Of the Year:

Make A Difference
by Stacy & Athena

Funky Kids Radio
3rd Place People’s Choice National Song Of the Year:
The World Needs You
by Stacy & Athena

Jkids Radio – New featured artist.
Please visit the site and request Stacy & Athena music.

John Lennon Songwriting Contest winner!

Electric Kids Music Album Review:
Stacy & Athena – Best Day Ever

“…a truly inspired album, crammed with alluring melodies that will no doubt delight and inspire the kids in turn. I love the freshness and energy of the music, which is highly original, thought-provoking and brilliantly put together. Their sound draws on influences including, folk, country, rock and even disco at times, and does so in fine style. On this form I’m sure we’ll be hearing much more from them in the future.”

About Us

Stacy Kelly and Athena Kuliecza

have been writing original music and performing together since their college years. They played in various rock bands until they split ways to raise their families. Stacy began a career as a Children’s Song Leader in Long Island, NY while Athena was teaching Preschool Music and Movement classes in Central NJ…

Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Ever!

The trick to making this best chocolate chip cookie recipe gooey is to not over-bake them. At the end of the baking time, these chocolate chip cookies won’t look done but they are.

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